Net Service Products

BExamine Our ASP Hosted Service for PBX and VOIP Environments

NET Services Products . . .
NET Services utilizes ASP technology to provide service bureau functions for enabling chargeback and resale call accounting. ASP stands for Application Service Provider and it brings the traditional service bureau concept into the 21st century. It does that by delivering information with lightning speed and requiring only a standard browser for access. Why would anyone want to utilize a service bureau or ASP service today with computers being cheap and plentiful? The answer is to save money while enabling their organization to focus on core applications without abandoning peripheral needs. While hardware is cheap and some software is too, no system is cheap. All systems require the attention of skilled individuals to manage them. With NET Services we provide the skilled individuals, with their cost distributed over numerous customers for a more cost effective solution, and you enjoy the benefits of secure access to the information you want when you want it.

NET-Phacs Basic Call Accounting . . .
An ASP service for companies that want detailed information on their usage of telephone services without the hassle of yet another system to manage. NET-Phacs collects data directly from onsite telephone systems or Centrex service. Reports are automatically emailed to the Telecom Administrator daily and monthly. NET-Phacs reports and data can be easily accessed 24 hours a day over the Internet. Because it is an ASP service it is simple to use and no special hardware or software is required.

wNET-Phacs PLUS Advanced Call Accounting . . .
An enhancement to NET-Phacs that provides your users restricted access to call detail history via the Internet. With NET-Phacs PLUS you control user access to information. You are able to assign each user a Login ID, Password, and Access Level. The Access Level restricts them to accessing data for an extension or sets of extensions by department, division, or corporation. NET-Phacs PLUS automatically email distributes end-of-period reports based on criteria you control. It does everything that NET-Phacs does and more.

NET-Phacs Wireless Add-On Module…
We provide a scalable solution to add wireless reporting to either plan to round out your suite of SaaS services.

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