Why Manage Your Mobile Environment?

As a person who strives to help employers manage their telecommunication services and spending, I find it somewhat frustrating that so much effort is spent trying to avoid managing cell phones.  Employers recognize that some employees require employer provided cell phones as part of their job and therefore have procedures and policies in place for providing cellular devices.  Typically an individual or group is designated to manage and enforce such a policy.  It is that person or group’s responsibility to make sure that the cell phone services that the employer is paying for meet the needs of the employer.  Is what we are paying reasonable?  Are we being properly billed?  Are there efficiencies that could be gained?  Is there employee abuse?  Are there ways to improve our operation and/or reduce our costs?  There is an excellent article in No Jitter (http://nojitter.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=211601136&pgno=1) that highlights what you could be doing to manage your employer provided cell phones.  Please do yourself a favor and take a moment to read this.

Why Employers Don’t Manage Cell Phones – Our Take

As a person who strives to help employers manage their telecommunication services and spending, I find it somewhat frustrating that so much effort is spent trying to avoid managing cell phones.  Employers recognize the need for some employees to have cell phones in order to do their jobs effectively.  Most employers have procedures and policies in place for providing these devices and many have placed an individual or group in charge of fulfilling this need and enforcing the associated policies.  What seems to be missing is any meaningful analysis of this set of resources.  Most other assets within an organization are constantly monitored or measured so leaders within the organization can make decisions about the efficiency and value of the resources.  Questions like “is this resource meeting our needs?” and  “Is what we are paying reasonable?” are just a couple of questions we believe employers should be asking about the service they receive from wireless carriers.  Others, like “Are we being billed correctly?” and “Are there more efficiencies that could be gained?” and “Is there any employee abuse of these resources?” seem to be overlooked routinely.  There is an excellent article in No Jitter that highlights what you could be doing to manage your employer provided cell phones.  Please do yourself a favor and take a moment to read it.  As concerns quality of service, this WSJ article has some interesting facts.

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